I'm excited to share with you my 5 best journaling tips that I personally use that have guided me through my journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Journaling is a practice that has transformed my life in the most beautiful ways. It is not just about writing things down on paper; to me, aside from it having a cathartic release, it is a soulful experience that allows you to connect with your deepest self, perhaps a divine source that can reveal the most profound wisdom, intuition, answers and truth inside of you.

There are no rules or order to these techniques, just ways I find journaling to be the most impactful whether for myself or suggestions for my clients.

There is such value in being able to express all that is on your heart and mind and these tips I hope these will inspire you on your own journaling journey (is that a tongue twister..ha) to open the doors to your self-awareness and personal growth helping you Feel, Heal, Release and Transform your Destiny! So…here they are…

My 5 Best Journaling Tips:

  1. FREE FLOW: This type of journaling (one of my favs) is all about writing freely with no pause allowing whatever flows to come. There is no specific structure, just write anything and everything that comes to mind. Don't worry about being grammatically correct or spelling. Try not to judge or edit yourself. Just let loose. Be free and unleash your heart out!

  2. GUIDED PROMPTS: Using prompts can be a powerful way to draw out your inner wisdom and truth. When you respond to a question, it causes you to reflect on your own answers and insight which helps you gain clarity, get unstuck and name your thoughts and feelings. Often times you uncover solutions to problems and experience those 'A-ha' moments! Prefer this tip? If so, I have several FREE tools and journal guides that are filled with prompts, click here (when you are done reading this of course!)

  3. LETTERS: Writing a letter gives space to express all that is on your heart you really want to say. You don't have to send it, but allowing yourself to express it can be cathartic, healing and revealing. Write a letter to your younger self. Future self. To someone no longer here. To a future partner. A dream career or even money. Write to anyone or anything. You can combine the above tips as well. If you want to start with this one, I HIGHLY recommend you download my FREE F__K You, Thank You Letter, here! You will UNLEASH and RELEASE!

  4. SOUL EXCHANGE: This can be a profound journaling experience in which you have a written dialogue with parts of yourself, a subject, person, body part, emotion or situation and you are both (or all) roles. For example, you might write a dialogue between your higher self and your inner critic. Or perhaps you have a conversation between your higher self, future self and younger self. There are NO rules to this, just allow your intuition to guide the way. This is different than letter writing as it is not one sided but an opportunity to converse back and forth. Ask and Answer…..and you will receive so many answers to the questions on your heart.

  5. FOCUS JOURNALING: This type of journaling focuses on a purpose that keeps record of a particular subject or idea such as gratitude, self-love, manifestations, dreams, grief, goals, travel and more. This can help you create habits and awareness around a specific area in your life. For example, a 'Mindfulness Journal' you might write for 5 minutes each day about everything you observe in the present. Stay tuned for my Grief Support Guide coming soon that will have space to journal about your grief each day.

Bonus Tips!

  • You can write in a paper journal or use a computer. Both ways have value! I do both!

  • After my brother passed away, I set up an email account so that I could write to him. It has now become my journal space for everything and helps me feel connected to him as if I am sharing things with him for guidance, clarity or just to say hi.

“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” ~Mina Murray

  • Whether in the morning or evening, try to start a daily practice to get the most out of journaling. Even just 5 minutes a day can be transformative.

  • There are no rules, rights or wrongs to journaling. Do what feels good to you!

  • Consider creating a special space where you feel safe and free to express yourself without judgment.

  • Be HONEST! Allow yourself to express your true thoughts and feelings, even if they seem uncomfortable or challenging.

  • Let Go of Perfection: Don’t worry about grammar and spelling…just let the words flow.

  • From time to time, read back on your past journal entries. Reflect on your insights, and patterns you may have noticed over time. This practice can offer valuable self-awareness and CELEBRATE your growth.

  • Explore different journaling techniques and styles as I offer above. You can even mix writing with meditation, painting, or visioning to tap into different aspects of your creativity and emotions. Check out my COLOR YOUR SOUL workshop here, which offers a mix of it all!

There you have it!! You now you have tips, tools and tricks to get started writing your heart out!

If you found this helpful, you might like my other post on how to UNLEASH YOUR TRUTH: 5 Benefits of Journaling, Read it here.

WANT TO start Journaling RIGHT now?

Go to my FREE TOOLS page where I have a collection of my best journal guides and tools to get you started!


Hi! I’m Destiny!

A Transformational Life and Grief Coach… I help people navigate through life, loss and everything in between and go on to live their most meaningful lives YET! You can learn more learn more about me here.

I would LOVE to support you in any way I can. If you want further guidance or just have questions about what it would look like to work together…..

Schedule a FREE call with me here!




UNLEASH YOUR TRUTH: 5 Benefits of journaling