Looking for a sign from the universe? THIS literally is it!

Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe we can get signs or communications from above? 

I do. 

The night my brother Joseph suddenly passed away, January 8th, 2011, (just two days after his 34th birthday) as you can imagine, I was in absolute utter shock and devastation. A feeling I can't quite explain but I felt out of my body.

It was late and after dealing with the crisis all night, I had finally gone home. Gretchen (his long-time girlfriend) was with me. We had attempted to go to bed. I remember just sitting in painful, empty silence. I couldn't sleep. I just stared and stared at the wall. She fell asleep next to me.

It was pitch black and all of a sudden I noticed in the right corner of my wall what looked like orbs and tiny blue fireworks floating towards me. It was fluid. Slow but steady. Almost like a cone shaped glimpse of 'outer space' coming and moving and dancing towards me. There were starbursts. flickers of lights. orbs. I was afraid to even move in case it went away. I finally said, very slowly "Gretchen, I am seeing something so strange right now"...and she literally bolted up and pointed to the exact place in the corner of my wall and said something like  "Are you seeing blue fireworks and orbs"? The thing is, her eyes were closed, I thought she was asleep. She saw the EXACT SAME THING I was seeing.

I have come to believe with certainty it was him, just not in physical form but his spiritual energy. 

I am crying typing this because there are no words I could offer to describe this experience as it does not do justice to what actually happened.

I tried to paint it on a canvas that now hangs above my sofa (see image). I became obsessed with NASA because every time I see images of space and stars, my heart leaps with confirmation of that moment. Validating that YES, that is exactly what I saw.

Of all the signs and profound spiritual experiences I have had that I believe is from my brother, this one always grounds me in the belief that I will see him again. That this is not the end. That our energy and spirit lives on and his energy is all around me.

I know it. He showed me.

It still hurts deeply. The grief is still present. But it is comforting to be reminded that we are all spiritual beings living in these physical bodies. Connected eternally.

Never in a million years would I have thought I would be a voice for grief and counseling others through theirs. It is a club no one wants to be a part of and now I find myself in service of it.  

I recently had the honor of sharing this story and much more with my friend Happy Ali as a guest on his podcast 'Happy Insights'. We both share our personal stories of life, loss and thoughts on the human and spiritual experience of grief. There was so much to discuss, we had to break it into two episodes! 

I hope when you listen it can provide hope and be a reminder that you are NOT alone!  Especially in these times we are living in, when there is a collective grief we are all experiencing together. 

You can listen below!  And if you know someone who might need to hear these, please share!

So, what about you? Have you ever had a profound experience or a sign that you just knew was a communication from a loved one or something bigger? 

Leave a comment below! I would LOVE to hear your story!

and...remember, I am here to support you through life, loss and everything in between. Reach out anytime or visit here to see how we can work together! 

With Love, Blessings and Gratitude, 



oh....and ps, these are the pictures I was talking about. The first one is my own painting and the other two are from Nasa! 


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